EVISBEATS/PUNCH&MIGHTY sách YeFeng に cách thổi か れ て (mừng với YeFeng) (YeFeng huýt gió に か れ て @ QQ âm nhạc Mighty Mouth (마 이 티 마 우 스)/Soya (소 야) xin xem sách 톡 톡 (TOK TOK) (FEAT. Soya) (TOK Tok ") "톡 톡 (Tok Tok) (FEAT. SOYA) @ QQ âm nhạc anh hath đặt down the mighty đi từ their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. It's a Reincarnation. It's an old rule.